Sunday, November 20, 2005

Track your Web Site Traffic

There are a lot of great services and programs available to track the traffic to you website, and many of them are free. Here is a list of three that I have used. Some are more advanced, while others are pretty basic.

  1. GVist: gvist is a fun site tracker that utilizes Google Maps. It does not track much, nor does it give you a lot of surfer information, but it is fun to see the little push pins around the world for people who have been to your site. Gvist is free, but with a donation of any amount they will upgrade your account to show you the last 100 visitors instead of 20.

  2. StatCounter: A free yet reliable invisible web tracker, highly configurable hit counter and real-time detailed web stats. Insert a simple piece of our code on your web page and you will be able to analyze and monitor all the visitors to your website in real-time.
  3. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is by the most advanced (free) statcounter I have seen and probably more advanced than many you would pay for. Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. It tells you things like what web browser your visitors use, what the screen resolutions is, and if the have flash and java capabilities.Currently, Google analytics is not registering new acocunts. Seems they were getting such a demand that they where forced to cap their registrations at 234,725. I was one of the lucky ones to get in early, but I imagine that they will soon open it back up or at least do an invite system like they did with g-mail early on.


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